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School LIbrary


Dr. Harris has conducted research on a variety of topics and presented at the American Psychology and Law Society’s national conference.

Research in Academia

Study Abroad Programs

Undergraduate Self-care Practices 

Research in Clinical Psychology

Predisposing, Precipitating, and Perpetuating Factors of Adolescent Substance Use

Evidence-Based Treatment of Adolescent Substance Use 

Mindfulness-Based Interventions

ADHD in Adults

Research in Forensic Psychology

Factor Attorneys consider when recommending plea bargains



Harris, J. S., Stewart, D. G., Joy, S. A., Charuhas, J. P., Johnson, B. D., Stanton, B. C., & DuPont, J. R. (2017). Cannabis Use Predicts Withdrawal in Adolescents: A Model of Psychological Dysregulation. Journal of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse & Substance Dependence, 3(1), 1-5. ISSN: HADSD100007

Harris, J. S., Stewart, D. G., Krzyzaniak, S., Charuhas, J., Moon, K., Holdren, A., Manuel, J., Davis, C. L., & Joy, S. (2016). Binge Drinking Despite Consequences: The Role of Psychological Dysregulation. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1080/1067828X.2016.1222979

Harris, J. S., Stewart, D. G., & Stanton, B. C. (2016). Urge surfing as aftercare in adolescent alcohol use: A randomized control trial. Mindfulness. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1007/s12671-016-0588-7.

Harris, J. (2012). Mindfulness intervention: Effects on coping and self-efficacy. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from Worldcat. OCLC#: 847868032. 

Stewart, D. G., Welton, S., Arger, C., Effinger, J., Serafini, K., Harris, J. S., & Helfer, M. (2011). The utility of a developmentally-based quadrant model of co-occurring substance use and mood disorders classification in adolescents.Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 7, 130-140. doi:10.1080/15504263.2011.596454


Harris, J. S. (June 2013). Project READY: Reducing the Effects of Alcohol and Drugs on Youth. Presentation at the Closing the Gap Conference, Tacoma, WA.

Harris, J. S. & Helmer, L. O. (2018). Plea bargaining in drug convictions. Presentation at the American Psychology and Law Society annual conference. Memphis, TN. 

Harris, J. S. & Marks, R. B. (2018). Differences in plea negotiations between public and private defense attorneys. Presentation at the American Psychology and Law Society annual conference. Memphis, TN. 

Stewart, D. G., Harris, J. S., Helfer, M., Welton, S., Arger, C., Effinger, J., & Serafini, K. (February 2010). Outcomes of a School-Based Motivational Incentives Program: Impact of Depression Symptoms. Presentation at the International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive Behavior, Santa Fe, NM. 


Helmer, L. O. & Harris, J. S. (April 2018). Differences Between Public and Private Attorneys in Drug Courts​. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR.

Houghton, J., Julsrud, S., Jimenez, B., Bendeck, G., Truijillo, K., & Harris, J. S. (April 2018). The Effects of Depression on Motivation to Change on Adolescents who Continue to Drink Despite Consequences. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR.    

Marks, J. R. & Harris, J. S. (April 2018). Differences Between Private and Public Attorneys in Plea Negotiation. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR.

Regus, S., Shin, D., & Harris, J. S. (April 2018). The Effects of Mindfulness and Exercise on Academic Self-Efficacy​. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR.

Righetti, A., Konzelman, D., & Harris, J. S. (April 2018). An Exploration of Academic Achievement: The Role of Sleep and Mood. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR.

Westbrook, W., Hernandez, C., & Harris, J. S. (April 2018). The Impact that Perception of Guilt has on Public versus Private Attorney Defense. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR.

Harris, J. S., Eades, A., Johnson, B., Stanton, B. C., & Helmer, L. (March 2016). Important Considerations in Recommending Plea Agreements in Drug Convictions. Presented as a poster presentation to the American Psychology and Law Society Annual Conference in Seattle, WA. 

Harris, J. S., Johnson, B., Eades, A., Stanton, B. C., & Helmer, L. (March 2016). Factors Underlying Defense Attorney Decision-Making Processes when Recommending a Plea Bargain. Presented as a poster presentation to the American Psychology and Law Society Annual Conference in Seattle, WA. 

Harris, J. S., Johnson, B., Eades, A., Stanton, B. C., Charuhas, J., & Bruzas, B. (2016). A Randomized Control Study of Urge Surfing as Aftercare for Marijuana Use in Adolescents. Poster presentation at the annual Western Psychological Association in Long Beach, WA.

Harris, J. S., Messinger, C. W., Collins, W. J., & Du Pont, J. R. (2016). A Randomized Control Study of Urge Surfing as Aftercare for Problematic Alcohol Use in Adolescents. Poster presentation at the annual Western Psychological Association in Long Beach, WA.

Collins, W. J., Righetti, A., & Harris, J. S. (2016). Mindfulness as a Predictor of Academic Performance: The Role of Autonomy. Submitted as a poster presentation to the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference in Sacramento, CA.

Stanton, B. C., Johnson, B., Helmer, L., & Harris, J. S. (April 2016). Factors Defense Attorneys Consider when Making Recommendations in Felony Drug Cases. Presented as a poster presentation to the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference in Sacramento, CA.

Johnson, B., Stanton, B. C., Helmer, L., & Harris, J. S. (April 2016). Deal or No Deal: Important Consideration in Recommending a Plea Bargain. Presented as a poster presentation to the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference in Sacramento, CA. 

Righetti, A., Collins, W. J. & Harris, J. S. (April 2016). Sleep as a Predictor of Academic Performance: The Role of Stress. Presented as a poster presentation to the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference in Sacramento, CA.

Harris, J. S., Davis, C. L., Charuhas, J. P., Krzyzaniak, S. L., Moon, K. C., Manuel, J. A., & Stewart, D. G. (April 2015). The Role of Psychological Dysregulation in Adolescent Marijuana Outcomes. Presented at the Western Psychological Association annual conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Harris, J. S., Joy, S. A., Manuel, J. A., Kryzaniak, S. L., Charuhas, J. P., Arett, A. D., … Stewart, D. G. (2015). Cannabis Use Predicts Withdrawal in Adolescents: A Model of Psychological Dysregulation. Presented at the Western Psychological Association annual conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Harris, J. S., Stewart, D. G., & Stanton, B. C. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness on coping, self-efficacy, and substance use in adolescents. Presented at the Special Interest Group for Mindfulness at The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in Chicago, IL. 

Varma, M., Campbell, C., Lehinger, E., Moore, L., Estoup, A., & Harris, J. (April 2015). Outcomes of Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity in Early Alcohol Use. Presented at the Western Psychological Association annual conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Harris, J. S., Krzyzaniak, S., Manuel, J., Moon, K., Holdren, A., Charhuas, J., … Stewart, D.G. (2014). Binge Drinking Despite Consequences: The Role of Psychological Dysregulation. Presented at the Western Psychological Association annual conference in Las Vegas, NV.

Harris, J. S., Krzyzaniak, S., Moon, K., Manuel, J., Holdren, A., Charhuas, J., … Joy, S. (April 2014). Binge drinking despite consequences: The role of psychological dysregulation. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Portland, OR. 

Harris, J. S., Fellerman, B., & Stewart, D. G. (March 2012). Urge Surfing. Poster presented at the annual Society for Research on Adolescents research conference, Vancouver, Canada. 

Harris, J. S., Effinger, J., Shipley, L. J., & Stewart, D. G. (April 2010). Dysregulation Feedback in a Motivational Enhancement Based Substance Abuse Intervention. Poster presented at the annual Western Psychological Association research conference, Cancun, Mexico.

Stewart, D.G., Welton, S., Harris, J. S., Serafini, K., Effinger, J. & Arger, C. (June 2009). Mediators between depression and substance use disorder symptoms among adolescents referred by schools for substance use interventions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Seattle, WA.

Stewart, D. G., Welton, S., Arger, C., Effinger, J., Serafini, K., Harris, J. S., Helfer, M., & Baker, M. (June 2009). Mechanisms of Heightened Consequences of Substance Use in Adolescents with Depressive Symptoms: Results from a School-Based Intervention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Seattle, WA.

Harris, J. S., Mancil, L. E., & Campbell, G. V. (May 2008). Parental Practices as a Mediator between Religious Participation and Adolescent Substance Use. Poster/paper presented at the annual SPFC Student Research Conference, Seattle, WA.

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